Tuesday, March 19, 2013

the "rules" of full disclosure

so i have decided to be totally open with this blog in terms of my results that i get THIS friday and moving forward. (holy moly that is super soon....)

HOWEVER, if/when i do find myself prego, i ask that we be happy but not celebrate proper style until i complete my first trimester.  sharing joy is awesome but i would so not be out of the woods yet and i don't want us to put the cart before the horse.  

so how does a on the sly high five sound if i find i am "+"?  
(translation: "+" = positively pregnant)

now that we have the "rules" out of the way, let's talk about this two week wait..... oy vey!

so my friend erin said that this two week wait was going to be tough.  she was not kidding around!!!  not that i thought she was lying but i have been so focused on each step as it happens and looking ahead hasn't really been an option for me.

do i think i am pregnant?  your guess is as good as mine.  and my opinion changes on the topic from minute to minute.  also, i know i can talk myself in and out of a bag in the same sentence so i can't trust myself at all and my opinion on any of this.

although i have gotten better over the last week and a half with the waiting, i have conceded to the fact that i really just have to wait till friday.

i am taking 8% progesterone everyday which i am blaming for....

- my mood swings: cried 4 times during my allergy appointment last week, cried before prince of tides even started [but that was just a stupid pick for an emotional person in general]

- cramping: might just be constipation or gas... this is also helped by the pre-natal vitamins

- exhaustion:  have mercy!  i cannot get enough sleep.  finally starting to get back to normal-ish though. think this is also attributed to that sinus procedure that felt like 4 steps below water boarding, a couple of massive work travel weeks, and all of the emotional gravy from this whole process to fill in any holes on top of all the other stressful goodness.

i am supposed to get my period tomorrow/wednesday night so that might be a slight hint but i will hold onto that one since who knows how upside down my system might be with this whole process.

being the optimist that i am, i talk to my belly every night.... planning fun trips we are going to take together, explaining my big plans for the holidays from other cultures we are going to celebrate, and in general just getting to know one another.  pure joy.

more to follow and regardless as to whether our on the sly high fives start this friday or a month or six months from this friday, or when i adopt a beautiful baby, i am super excited at the prospect of starting this next chapter!

1 comment:

  1. last two paragraphs gave me goosebumps. you are an awesome mom to your baby-to-be.

    here's to the two week wait being nearly done!
