Tuesday, March 5, 2013

a two part update....

(written yesterday...)

So this is the week.  Exhale.

Last Friday I had more blood work and another ultrasound and we are still very much on track.  So you may recall for my baseline visit I had 21 follicles.  I am now down to 4 that are growing at the right rate.  This means that they are 9mm or larger – on my right I have a 9, 10, and 10.5 and on my left a 10mm.

Ultimately I need them to grow to 18 to 20mm for me to have my IUI.  In speaking with the nurse I got the sense that they will not all continue to grow at this rate but it is kinda exciting hearing about them and thinking one of them could be my future child!

So next steps…. I have my next round of blood work and ultrasound tomorrow to see how my follicles are coming along.  Based on those results we will then be able to determine when I will have IUI.

I wanted to step back at this point and explain a little bit more of what my process is.  Most people are familiar with IVF but not so much with IUI.  Totally fair.  Let me explain the best I can. 

IVF is where they harvest the egg, fertilize it with the sperm, and then implant it in your uterus. 

Although I may need to do this down the road, I am not there yet.  Currently I am working with the doctor/nurses to follow my cycle and to identify when I am most fertile and then they will put the donor sperm inside my uterus.  Most easily understood as the “turkey baster” method or technically as IUI (inter uterine insemination).  This will happen (ideally) on two consecutive days.

So I am not using any fertility drugs at this point.  The only little helper is an injection I will give myself (or coax a friend to give me) that will help me ovulate in a timely manner.  So I believe this happens the night before my first IUI procedure.

I hope this helps clarify a bit more of what I have ahead of me this week.  If it isn’t totally clear to you, then join the club.  Remember this is my trial run where I will get a better sense of how this whole process really works.  And quite the learning curve there is!


today's update.. 

i went in this morning for my 3rd ultra sound and blood work visit for this cycle.  i have track marks!  didn't even feel the prick of the needle today!  i am turning into a pro... which is insane considering my fear of needles not that long ago.  so yeah, i am boasting about my track marks!

just got off the phone with my nurse and it seems that i am down to one measurable egg of 13mm - which is totally normal (esp when no drugs are involved) - and my estrogen is up to 150's which is almost double last friday.  all very good news.  

i have made my next appointment for this friday where they will have my 4th ultrasound and blood work and determine the actual insemination dates.  she suspects, as we will not know till the doctor seeing my stats for friday, that i will potentially be ready for the shot to encourage ovulation this friday and then insemination on this saturday and sunday.  this may shift up a little but i am not traveling next week so i am free as a bird and feeling much more relaxed about this all.

then comes the waiting part. 

how am i?

overall, well.  for those of you who know me well, you know that i am not so good without a sense of structure and planning and this learning curve of how my body works combined with work has given me an extra gray hair or two.  no isn't really an option for me which led me to send the nurse and email about the possibility of carrying my "vials" to dallas (where i work tomorrow and thursday) so i can have the insemination at a fertility center there.  i am no quitter.  all about the contingency plans.  not only is that not something she thinks is possible but also fortunately not necessary.  huge exhale!

the excitement/enormity/unknown of this combined with work has made me super anxious and turned me into a less than stellar sleeper with a queazy belly but i am optimistic with today's news that i am turning the corner!

finally, i would like to introduce all of you to my uterus.... she is very excited at the prospect of finally getting called up to the majors!  figure i should make the introduction due to her pivotal role in these next few life steps...

1 comment:

  1. Please let me know when the turkey gets basted so I can eat some Cadbury eggs for good luck!
