Monday, March 25, 2013

play it again sam!

tomorrow i begin again.  thinking the second time through will in many ways be easier because i know what to expect - which is very appealing to a virgo type A personality.  as well, i am hoping that knowing the process better will make it all feel much more routine and therefore minimize my amount of obsessiveness over the details.

today i realized that the weight of this whole process has stripped out some of my everyday happy.  no i am not cowering in the corner crying and hiding from people, but the emotional weight of this process has me feeling very intense.  had a massage over the weekend which i think helped me realize how tight and stressed my body is...which cannot be bueno as i move forward.

so starting today i have decided that i am going to put more emphasis on getting back to my more familiar happy kate place.  not exactly sure how it will look but i am hoping to start tonight with a mani/pedi.... followed by a visit to my acupuncturist, and maybe another massage...and reintroducing some fishing into my life....  (recognizing exercise as well but trying to find a fun way to build it in so that i am not rolling my eyes or cursing.)

for now sending all my positive thoughts to my growing follicles!  c'mon follicles!!  

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