Tuesday, December 10, 2013

worst blogger ever

Hi all!

Hello from my two week wait!  This Friday I will, rather WE will, learn the verdict from lucky cycle number 4!

There has been a lot going on but here is the update...

- 3 beautiful follicles ready to become my next generation

- I had a spectacular turkey day send off with some neighbors and some delicious bubbles and wine and turkey and Brussel sprouts and pie....

- I got basted the Friday and Saturday post turkey day with a neighbor there to keep me company as well as some Marvin Gaye and Eye of Tiger of course

- So now I am in Miami for work and excited to be distracted for the next 2 days

Overall, I am feeling fine. A little tired but nothing too crazy. Totally bloated with some funny cramping but pretty sure it is driven by the progesterone. 

More details to come on Friday!  

So appreciative for all the positive vibes!

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