Monday, April 22, 2013

2nd cycle has been much more chill....

so today is the day i learn the outcome of cycle #2!  while i am very excited, i must confess i have been very mellow this time around.  thinking the two rounds of acupuncture, a couple of massages, and soe time on the water fishing has helped chill me out in concert with the trauma and learning curve of cycle #1.

i haven't been feeling exhausted or crampy like last time but bloated for sure.  emotionally i was much less focused on the outcome (e.g., not counting down till i get to pee on a trillion sticks and trying to determine how i can pee on 6 sticks in the same urine stream [thanks again erin for talking me down on that plan!]).  net: as hard as the first cycle was for me, i think it really prepared me for the road ahead.

in fact, this am i casually got out of bed to pee so i could take a test and then gracefully spilled the urine all over my bathroom floor.  awesome.  (note: peed in a red solo cup to i could test with the dip - - just seems more efficient and kate proof).  so i decided today i would just depend on the blood test that is scheduled for 10:30am.

did you read that right?  yep, i have a test but am not going to use it.  who am i?

do i think i am pregnant?  not really.  BUT i have decided that if i am not that i am taking next cycle off so i can drink and eat whatever i want while in turkey next month with my dad.  the implications of this decision are that i am probably with child because i made this tough decision (see "kate's law" posting).  ultimately, either way i will be happy and optimistic that i will be pregnant by the end of the year.  fingers crossed.

in terms of my % chance that i will get pregnant, who cares.  i think i had mentioned this before and i have decided i am not even meeting with the doctor to discuss it all.  rather, i am just going to be more aggressive for my next three IUI cycles and see what happens.  i can ask these people questions till i am blue in the face and they will do their best to answer them for me but really this is something between my body and myself.  a few friends made the excellent point that basically i am either 100% pregnant or 100% not - so 5% or 50% mean nothing.  sage advice.  and might i point out that this was just another example of how amazing my village is...thank you!!

so today i am driving to cleveland for a project and will be able to have dinner with a friend tonight and have a day to hang out with my fam.  implications of this is that i will be posting my results from the road.  so results to follow....

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