i took so much away from this time including....
- the power of intention (knowing what you truly want and the importance of acknowledging the related fears surrounding getting what you want...so simple but ridiculously intense if you really think about it.
we did this clay class where i made a pinch pot and little pebbles with the things that i am actively working on. they also had this labyrinth where you are supposed to focus on something, an intention, walk through it, and then leave a rock or something you bring in the middle as a symbol of your intention.
the labyrinth (and you can see my pot in the middle if you squint)
i left my pot as well as three key pebbles - intention, confidence, and kindness. in my head this translated to my committing to living my life with greater intention, allowing this intention to give me more confidence and surety in everything i do and doing this in a way that is kind to myself since it won't all come together immediately....and that is ok. [in those last four words i had a flash of stuart smalley (which i enjoyed greatly)]
my pinch pot and pebbles
- the magic of living in the moment and being mindful of oneself (i/we all get busy and sometimes find ourselves just going through the motions when really our quality of life would be so much better if we could feel and enjoy life as it is happening. yes, john lennon knew what he was talking about.)
- that it is much easier to give than to receive (yes, yes, it is. and i am a HORRIBLE receiver. seeing this is half of the battle right?)
- recognizing that i am not as focused as i want to be but that this can be achieved through practicing meditation and better breathing practices (for those days, weeks, or months when you feel so distracted by all of the things in your life and can't finish a single thought - this is the cure! well, something that will help me be more present anyway...)
where i practiced my meditation, breathing, and yoga
- the power of stretching and how important it is to my overall health (with my new healthier lifestyle my body feels totally bound up and stretching makes me feel so much more at ease. now only if i can find a way to have the feeling after a 100 minute naga massage everyday....)
- horses aren't scary and are actually pretty awesome (historically, riding horses has not been an enjoyable experience but now i "get them" better. an hour is a healthy ride time for now. and of course my trail ride horse was a compulsive butt rubber on bushes and got kicked in the face by another horse because he was being pushy and asserting his alpha status....but oddly, still a great experience. thanks abby for the peer pressure!)
kate with bailey, aka boo
- my life is so go go go and that i need more space in my life (yep. trying to simplify everything - but will slow down more starting in the new year....okay? needless to say, this is and will continue to be a very hard one for me.)
- mediation is cool (love that it is a practice and that no matter who you are it is hard to focus solely on your breathing for any period of time. did it this am. really want to start doing it daily but baby steps...)
what was so amazing during this trip is that abby, the friend i went with, did pretty different things than i did (e.g., trail run, drum circle, water aerobics) and we both walked away totally refreshed and ready for what the world has to offer!
i am now almost 2 weeks out from this amazing break from reality and i feel like i am still holding onto the magic of possibility! it feels great. parts of life that can be really scary to me, aren't so scary anymore because they can't really hurt me. you just have to purely move towards the things you want and know your fears and you will be just fine.... (easier typed than lived but i am working on it...)
i have been working out pretty aggressively and am proud to report that i have finally finished the jillian michael's video. it took me a while to put it back in the dvd player but on the second attempt we had success! it certainly helped to have a friend suffering beside me. today it was two friends suffering beside me. makes it so much more satisfying!
i have some ambitious health goals on the horizon and will take my two pound increase of muscle in the past two months as a sign of success. now i just have to figure out the food part which is my total "newman" in this process. but based on my above learnings i now just have to figure out how to make it all work within the scope of my pattern...and be kind with my virgo self as i find my way through it all.
of course, i am heading to a birthday party/wedding this weekend followed by a 12 day business trip so i will certainly be tested. i just have to keep my perspective and try to make the healthiest decisions i can, one at a time....and not spiral into despair when i choose the fried chicken entree over some sort of salad entree. (wedding is in atlanta = good fried chicken)
seems my last few posts have been more like novelas. sorry for that but many thanks for putting up with me as i reason my life out.... and of course, thanks again for your amazing love and support. ever brimming with gratitude!