Tuesday, June 25, 2013

anticipation of what is to come...short term

So I am excited to report that I am still on track for a no travel July.  Woot to the woot!  Seems I will have some work to keep me warm over the month but nothing too crazy which leaves me time to kinda chill out and embrace my next stage.  Probably not going to be able to explore all of the things on my idealistic dream world list but it is nice to have that to fall back on.

This week I need to call for my prescriptions and I have already reached out to the nurse so we can talk through what I should expect to experience and all the implications of the drugs.  (Note: I am insisting for a 1-on-1 conversation to avoid past communication issues)  She sent me a little one-pager outlining some of the excitement and WOW did it make me happy that I am taking this time a little slower than usual.  Here is my favorite excerpt:

“Normal side effects:  mild ovarian enlargement, nausea and vomiting, mild pelvic discomfort, mild bloating, mild breast discomfort, hot flashes, mild headache, mood swings, and insomnia.”

I am guessing this is just a window in to what is to come.  

Village, consider yourselves warned.  It might not be a pretty week.

A little daunting?  Maybe a bit more than a little but I am so excited to be getting started again!

1 comment:

  1. thanks for the warning. can't wait for all that to hit you. :)

    super excited that things are gearing up again!

