Wednesday, January 30, 2013

the soundtrack

my path is going to be filled with love, laughter, and a bit of my own special spice!  so brace yourself and consider yourself warned.

today i am looking for guidance on the creation of playlists for the actual insemination.

while i recognize that the actual insemination lasts only about a minute (insert inappropriate "well my husband..." joke here), i have decided to create two playlists for when i wait, during, and after the insemination while in the exam room.  will this be vetoed but the nurses?  i will let you know but i am going to assume that i am green light!

why would you create two playlists kate?  great question.

my fertility clinic has me come in two days back to back for the actual insemination.   (more details to follow on the actual timeline of things)  so, two days means two playlists.  of course.

my plan is to have "sexy time" music for day one and more "motivational" music for day two.  and, umm, yeah that is motivational for the sperm.

what is on the list already?  currently the lists are pretty small as i can't seem to remember the great options we came up with on the babymoon.  i look to all of you to make your suggestions and help me build the proper playlist.  so far....

"sexy time"
- marvin gaye's "let's get it on" (my personal favorite)
- bread's "i want to make it with you" (rec'd by carol)

- eye of the tiger (hello my motivational theme song!)
- chariots of fire (babymoon add)

so please leave a comment with any possible recommendations....

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

not everyone's cup of tea

this choice that i am making is not for everyone.  nor will it be easy for me as i start down the road ahead.

while i have received an enormous amount of support in stepping forward and starting this journey, i have also spoken with a handful of folks who disagree with this choice i am making. 

i do not begrudge them for their perspectives but do hope they will still love and support me throughout this lifelong venture knowing that i am truly following my heart - and not taking these steps without considerable self-refection, thought, and care.

those of you who really know me, know that i operate from a place of positive momentum.  if i lived in a world where i focused on what is hard or can't be done i wouldn't have my own company, i wouldn't have traveled and explored the world, i wouldn't still be trying to fly fish, and in general, wouldn't be kate.

yes, this is going to be monumentally difficult.  and no, like any other person about to become a mom, i have no idea how my life will really change.  but like a gazillion mom's before me i am ready, willing, and so excited to take this step and am looking forward to taking this unpredictable journey with the amazing people who have helped me become the person i am today.  xoxo. 

Thursday, January 17, 2013

healthier living, take 1

welcome to day three of my healthier lifestyle.

feeling good.

what makes my lifestyle healthier?  glad you asked....

- working to be active for at least 30 minutes a day (e.g., walking, exercise video)
- smoothies with kale and a variety of other healthy fresh ingredients
- writing down exactly what i am eating and when
- and PRE-NATAL vitamins!!

starting the pre-natal vitamins feels like the first real step towards my countdown. i am really doing this. this is going to be an amazing adventure!

i am a super good starter of things related to health but not the best finisher which is why i am starting small and trying to really have it just meld into my world.  while i am not so good as nurturing and taking care of myself, i am optimistic that this little angel will be all the inspiration i need.

in the spirit of full disclosure i must share that last night i finally put in my jillian michael's ab workout video.  in the warm up she had me doing squats, lunges, and burpees (only my most hated exercises outside of the frog jump).  i only made it 6.5 minutes into the video but am very optimistic that tonight i will make it to 7.5.  net: it can only get better!

Monday, January 14, 2013

most popular date

So I have been living this for over 6 months (wow, the time has flown), so I am sure that I have left out a lot of details. Here are the answers to the questions I feel like I am most often asked…. (and feel free to ask more if you have them...really)

-       How are you actually doing this?  I am starting with IUI (inter uterine insemination aka turkey baster).  Currently I am planning on starting without the help of Chlomid (a fertility drug) but one thing I am learning in this process is that nothing is a definite so we will see….

-       When are you starting?  Plan is to start the process in February so that I can hopefully have the baby post November 1st (which is when my maternity insurance kicks in).

-       You realize this will be a total change in lifestyle right?  Absolutely.  I don’t think any mother really knows to what extent their lives will change but I think those are the things you learn.  I know that it will exceptionally difficult in ways I can't even imagine yet but I also know that I have always wanted to be a mom and that I am surrounded by such a spectacular group of friends to support me - so I will be successful.

-       Can you pick the gender?  Not that I am aware and wouldn’t want to if I could.

While I want to be very transparent with all of this I am not sure how I plan to share the updates on whether I am pregnant or not since the first trimester is so important.  I have debated this with some friends and while I think I will post in real-time, we will just need to see how everything comes together.  Vulnerability isn't exactly my strength and the prospect of having everything out there feels pretty vulnerable...

My next milestone is starting my pre-natal vitamins which will happen tomorrow.  As well, I am upping my focus on trying to take better care of myself with exercise and nutrition.  Got a juicer for Christmas and I am super excited to get started on it tomorrow as well!

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

let's get this party started!!

So I have just returned from my babymoon in Puerto Rico with some amazing ladies and realized that I should be writing a blog so ya’ll can stay up to date with how this whole process is coming along.

Some of you reading this might not know this, but I want to have a baby!  In typical Kate fashion I am living my life on my own terms in my own order (an no, there is still no boyfriend or husband).  I am so incredibly excited and proud to be moving towards mommyhood that there really are no words.

Hmmm…. So this all feels a little awkward because so much has already happened (even though I have not actually started trying to get pregnant) but let me try to provide an abridged catch up….

Early August 2012: Made the call to my financial planner to let him know that I was planning to start this process in October of 2013 and wanted to make sure that we managed my investments accordingly.  To this he responded with why wait till then?!  My neighbor was extraordinarily excited by this development and wanted to personally call my therapist so she would also give a green light so I could get started now.  Therapist gave me the green light as well and asked if I though I might be procrastinating with my October of 2013 date.  Me procrastinate?  Crazy right? 

Late August 2012:  Finally got in to see Dr. Kaplan who is to be my fertility doctor with the Fertility Centers of Illinois.  I was able to ask my laundry list of questions and left the appointment feeling really good about what was to come.  They gave me the information about the sperm banks to explore and the laundry list of tests I needed in order to officially start the process.  Total excitement.  Next step, get in to see my new OB.

Early October 2012:  Waited my time to get in to see Dr. Hidalgo who came highly recommended by two friends as being excellent.  This was to meet and greet as well as get my IUD removed which we quickly determined had gone rogue.  Only me right?  Following some ultrasounds I was put under for the procedure to have it removed.  All went smooth but now I was left to wait for my cycle to regulate itself.

December 17th, 2012:  I picked my donor!  Yay!  Over a bottle of bubbly with my neighbor Holly we confirmed he is the one for me.  Moving forward he will be known as “the boy next door plus”!  My criteria was relatively simple and I am so excited about the person I found.  He….

-       Is open to meeting his child (if the child so desires so at the age of 18)
-       Is 6’ to 6’2” (hoping to give this baby another inch or two)
-       Is Caucasian
-       Is the opposite of me: really strong with math, science, long distance runner, fluent in French, plays musical instruments
-       Shares my values: did a 2 year stint with the Peace Corp in Africa
-    Favorite animal: platypus (sheer awesomeness)

Feeling really good about my choice!  Issues about genetics and family health issues were also taken into consideration.  So happy to be able to check that box!

December 26th, 2012:  Yay!  Never been so excited to get my period!  Waited a whole two months and was able to get in to the fertility center to get all of the necessary blood taken, ultra sound, and appointment with the psychologist.  All tests came back without any concerns or issues which was a huge relief – but also not a guarantee of anything.

January 3, 2013:  BABYMOON!!!!  Now I appreciate that this might not sound familiar and that is fine.  I kind of made it up.  Since I have not had a bachelorette party (due to my still single status) or the other festivities like the wedding or honeymoon, I thought I would create my own adventure!  Five days in Puerto Rico with many of my favorite people in the world!!  It was everything I could have ever hoped for plus more!  For example, I am now the proud owner of my very own airbrushed t-shirt with a rainbow, unicorn, and teddy bear!  In fact, I took advantage of this opportunity and had shirts made for all of my ladies as well so they could live out their airbrushed shirt fantasies (because we all have one, admit it!).

A long weekend of great food, drink, friendship, and adventure was the perfect send off for me as I start this process.  I know how incredibly fortunate I am to have such a spectacular village to help me as I embark on this very very challenging but rewarding adventure.

And that is what I have, an amazing village.  As I write this entry it becomes even more clear to me, the important role that my friends are playing in this process which reminds me that this might just be the luckiest baby in the entire world.  My village rocks!!  If you are reading this then I am pretty sure you too are a part of my village and I thank you thank you thank you for your love and support!!

Now let's get this party started....