Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Hitting the pause button


Quite a crazy month or so!  And I have quite a lot to update you all on so here we go....

My November cycle actually was another chemical pregnancy (so 2 for 2 chemical pregs with the fertility drugs).  Again, this is pretty normal and I was told it was nothing to worry about. 

Although seen as nothing to worry about, I then made an appt with a new fertility doctor thinking my next steps would be harvesting my eggs and freezing them. This last part was pretty surprising to me. Freezing?  I am Kate, I have a plan and that is to get a baby in my belly ASAP....or do I? and is that really the plan?

Dear universe, thank you for your many complications!  I believe in my last post I might have mentioned a special someone who seems to have thrown a most wondeful wrench into my baby plan. While he is totally on board if I want to continue, this has certainly given me a lot to think about and I feel like this is the time for me to step back. 

With all of this said, I figured I would harvest my eggs and freeze them: so if things don't work out then I am ready for immediate IVF and if we do work out but need the egg for later we are covered. Perfect plan. Maybe in my head. 

So met with a new fertility doctor mid-January who is awesome!  (Again, sorry for my delay in updating...). We spoke for about 30 minutes and he listened to me, used unique sentences (unlike my previous doc who felt scripted), and I feel, gave me great perspective. 

Key learning:

36 year old frozen eggs = 38 year old fresh eggs.

Hmm... Thinking that I would be using them before or around that time so why put myself through it all? 

So that night I had a conversation with the gentleman in question about it all to get his perspective since he is very much a part of this decision. While we clearly recognize that we are at the beginning, we both think it may be the beginning of something so.... my baby plans are officially being placed for the back burner. (Crazy right?!)

I feel really confident about this because regardless of how this scenario plays out, I have a clear sense of next baby steps. And this just kinda feels right. (Insert warm happy smile)

Oddly, because I have been so public with this whole process, sharing this development with all of you is a point of nervousness of me. That may seem silly but for me it is kinda hard shifting like this after being so focused on a single goal - and in my head all of my fears and judgments are now being placed in your heads whether they are rational or realistic at all. 

BUT then I laugh at myself and remember that this is the potential of the path we all wish for and I know you are all sharing in my current happiness. 

So there you have it!  Amazing what a year can do right?

Now I just sit back and enjoy life and see where it wants to take me!  (Which I can do because my astrological chart said I am having 2 babies eventually.)

Much love to you all!!  And thank you so much for all of your support and love!  And not sure about you, but I am excited to read my next baby blog post whenever that might be!